Monday, October 31, 2011

I Don't Hate Halloween

It was suggested in an earlier post that "Keith" hates Halloween. Don't get tricked by that.  I deny "hating" Halloween.  There isn't much to hate any more.  It doesn't seem to do a bit of good.

I do think that we have been tricked into it by thinking it is a treat.  (cute kids, fun games, etc.)

We do have an adversary.  If  he can't induce us to do something evil, he will attempt to keep us busy with things that may be good but not the most important. But I don't think Halloween is a good concept. It should be avoided.
I don't know if it is a conspiracy by the dentists or not.  Well, anyway all the lights will be out tonight.

History Of Halloween

Why do we celebrate Halloween?  As far as I understand, Halloween was a holiday started by Pagans the night before All Saints Day, which was celebrated by the Christians.  No matter how diligently the Catholic Church tried to make the holiday a good one, it's members kept joining the Halloween festivities in order to supposedly scare away all the ghouls by being more scary than they were, or something like that.

Any way you look at it, it's a superstitious holiday which focuses on darkness.  It was a holiday from the dark ages for dark times.  We have light and understanding now.  The Holiday was originated to keep evil spirits away.

Looking Deeply Into Halloween

Evil can't keep evil way.  That's a lie.  Only good can.  Evil doesn't even have a body.  He wants one, but can't have one.  The mere fact that we have bodies make us better and more powerful than evil.

Halloween is actually all about the body.  And, that kind of bugs me.  It is about disguising and mistreating the body.  Nothing would make an evil being, who is at war with us, more happy than to see us not understand how important and sacred our bodies are.  They are hooked to our Spirits.  They are one soul.  This is huge!  The Devil doesn't have a body and can't have one.  Misery loves company, so of course he would want us to ruin the great blessing God gave us; our bodies.  Or at the very least joke about doing so and treat them lightly.

So, the start of Halloween wasn't really so grand in my opinion, and it seems to be rooted in unhealthy practices.  I don't think it's healthy to get scared.  It creates stress and brings a dark feeling.  The Devil is the author of fear, not God.

Also, if the Devil had a food, it would be candy.  It's so bad for us.

Furthermore, what kind of message do we send by going house to house saying, “You better give me what I want or I'll trick you.”?  If it were any other day, we would call the police.  Sounds like a hold up at a bank.

  The trick principle is not exactly a healthy idea to teach children.  It creates feelings of entitlement, something we seem to have more than enough of to go around.

Safety Looks Different On Halloween

Also, what about not opening the door to strangers?  This is a cardinal rule now days.
What Else?

Okay, this one is picky, but who really wants to be a bad guy?  There are so many gross costumes out there which I really think no one should want to be.  Why dress up as something bad.  We usually feel different based upon what we look like.  Our insides are part of what happens on our outsides.  Isn't this why we have standards we choose to live by?

Last, the whole idea of the holiday is to fear the dead.  Why would we fear the dead?  The dead are our ancestors.   People who paved the way for us and watch over us.  Sure, death is a bit unknown to most people, but only a fool fears something he doesn't really know.  Death is a part of life, which if embraced creates love, purpose and happiness.
 I tricked  Nicholeen Peck for this text  which I edited.

For those who just must have a scary night, I leave you this.

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