Thursday, October 20, 2011

Halloween Already Starting

Tomorrow at church we are having a chili cook-off and a trunk-or-treat (essentially a trick or treat from car trunk to car trunk). We have some families that REALLY get into Halloween. One family in particular has 5 girls - with the parents dressing up, that is 7 people. They've done Harry Potter, Wizard of Oz, some Japanese anime characters that I know nothing about, and more. This year, they are all going as different astronauts, with the 3 year old going as a space chimp. They considered martian but just couldn't find the right costume.

Keith really dislikes Halloween. Hate is probably more like it and I'm not being over dramatic. He HAS participated with us before, though he denies it. Luckily, I have photos. (He was a beach tourist. I was, get this, someone you could COUNT on!)

Halloween 2009
Anyway, he doesn't want a thing to do with Halloween this year. But, see, I do church events. And that will be supper tomorrow night. So, he has to at least go to the chili supper. The girls are definitely opening a trunk, perhaps on the second car while we send Keith home with the good car, but a trunk nonetheless. I know this is true - I bought the candy!

Of course, in order to run a trunk, the girls feel they need to dress up. This year, they took a cue from that family I told you about earlier and they are going as a "group." They will be the Gorgon sisters - you know, Medusa and her sisters - snake hair - wings - yeah. Keith is trying not to notice the reggae wigs with snakes sticking out of them, but I suspect that is as difficult as it was for me to pretend that it was summer while the leaves were changing! Anyway, I'll post pictures as soon as I can.

Today I'm getting out my chili recipes to determine the best one - I mean, I want the prize and I don't even know what the prize is. I'm competitive that way!


Anonymous said...

I'm not a huge fan of Halloween either, so I can sympathize with Keith. Still, when the kids come trick-or-treating at the door it's fun to see them.
Last year I had very few kids come, and I had bought a whole bunch of candy that I really wasn't crazy about. I ended up having to give it away at church that weekend. This year I made sure I bought the kind of candy I like--just in case. I'll probably be swamped to keep me from eating the leftovers.
Janet Elaine Smith, multi-genre author

CBrownfield said...

I like Halloween, too. It's all about fun. I know what it meant in earlier times, but the connotation is different now. Enjoy the event, hope your chili wins the prize.

Someone to count on...what a nifty idea!


Unknown said...

Personally I love halloween. It's the one time of year when Brach's candy corn is available. I also love seeing all the costumes the little ones use.

Amber was good at filling up her bag when she went trick or treating. The boys, however, would get a layer or two on the bottom then say that's all they need. Even then Kyle would give most of his candy to me or to his sister. He's not into sweets.