Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Too Many Topics, Not Enough to Say

So, I've had a wide variety of things strike me today, yet not one of them seemed to be blog worthy. I almost (key word) decided to forgo writing today, but I decided to give you a smorgasbord of thoughts.

1. It is raining. I hate the rain. It is cold. I hate the cold rain. I want my sunshine. It's pretty simple and straightforward. I would not do well in the Northwest. Rebekah hates the rain, too. In fact, as we left the house this morning for seminary, at the bright and early hour of 6AM, we both groaned to see the rain. So, you can imagine my surprise when I found her out dancing in it. And singing. In her bare feet. That is a whole other issue - she hates grass and dirt on her feet. I rarely see her without shoes. Yet, there she was in the cold and rain. And enjoying herself. I considered joining her. Instead I took photos!

Hiding from the camera
Unaware that her sister came out the other door with the camera
Aware now!
Finally embracing the photo shoot.

Cartwheels - why didn't I think of that?

See the grass stuck to her feet? This is unheard of!

2. I am under-appreciated. Or so I told Rebekah this morning. I made her an egg sandwich for breakfast and she said, "Did anyone ever tell you that you were awesome?" My reply was, "Not nearly enough." So, she has made it her goal today to tell me. Often. Just so you know, I am awesome for making such a great supper. I must admit, I like it!

3. Katherine is making astounding progress in soccer. She played so hard at practice yesterday that she is sore. She scored a goal and assisted in a goal. Wow. This was the girl that ran on her heels just 3 weeks ago. I didn't know that she couldn't run. As I watched her, I thought that she had done something to her foot. Why else would she be limping like that. So I paid close attention. She was running on her heels. I suggested that she try running with more toe action. Sure enough, she sped up quite nicely! Anyhow, I digress. Yesterday, Rebekah promised her a nook book of her choice if she scored a goal in a game. Today, Rebekah tried to rescind on the deal since yesterday, before practice, it seemed a near impossibility for her to lose such a bet. I was about to step in and demand justice, but Katherine stood up quite nicely for herself. Said, "If I get a goal, and I will, then you WILL be buying me a book." And that was that.

4. Kimberly has the Biology teacher from Hades. I actually think this lady has visited there. Honest. As a parent, I tend to take things with a grain of salt. Oh, come on, you know you do, too. Anyway, there was a a lot of complaining going on. Poor communication blah blah blah. Homework she didn't announce blah blah blah. I finally took a look at the website where she would post info. A. This woman doesn't speak English as a first language and it shows in her writing skills. B. She has the kids doing homework on the level of a 400 class instead of the general bio that it is. C. She puts up homework at 9:30pm that is due the next morning at 9am. I thought of this again today when Kimberly showed me her latest communications on the web. I have no idea what she wants. Kimberly has no idea what she wants. Her classmate Chris has no idea what she wants. I guess they'll find out tomorrow.

5. I am coming along nicely on my piano. Not a lot to say about it, but I did want to announce my progress!

Blogs are self-centered. I guess that makes sense since it is a web journal of the blogger. But still, do any of you really care what I think about Kimberly's bio teacher? No, don't answer that. I want to feel awesome today!


The Belle in Blue said...

Thanks for letting us visit with you and your delightful family! Looking forward to regular visits, so get used to me hanging around! ;-)

Jay Hudson said...

Teri ,your blog is going to be ter-rific! I'm glad your mama named you.

Hankeline Bufmeyer?
Teri Mari is perfect.

Valerie said...

Teri, I think you are amazing! I haven't told you that nearly enough over the past few years. Thank you for all that you do for so many people. You have a wonderful heart and a loving family! Keep blogging, I love it!