Sunday, February 12, 2012

I'm Legible - Are You?

My email server, gmail, is pretty good about relegating spam to the spam folder. However, on rare occasion, something slips through. This happened on Friday. And with it, came an idea for an English assignment. Clearly, the writer of the document was not an "English as a first language" writer. Clearly. In fact, in the first sentence, I was told that I was a legible person. Oh really? Apparently, I'm clear enough to read. That will be a great relief to my husband and children. I guess there really is no need for that communication's class after all.

Back to the assignment. I think I am going to give the document to my kids and have them find the word usage errors, the run on sentence errors, the verb usage errors, and the punctuation errors. Then I will have them rewrite the document in persuasive way. Out of this little piece of spam, we will get English grammar AND a creative writing assignment. What do you think? I just love homeschooling!

Just so you can laugh along with me, here is the first sentence of the letter: "I got your contact information from a reputable business/professional directory of your country which gives me assurance of your legibility as a person." As I said, whew. I've been worried about this for a LONG time!

Other news:

Kimberly is going to Florida at the end of the month to visit a family she had grown very close to. She's very excited to be flying for the first time.

Rebekah has been busy with her Temple Teens - teen ambassadors for the Temple Theatre. They are a singing and dancing troupe. I saw one of her Valentine's Day performances and she is really good, if I do say so myself.

Katherine and Rebekah have created a writing contest. First person to write a novel of at least 50 pages (and it must be finished and NOT a fan fiction) will get a Barnes and Noble gift card from the other. I love contests that go along with one of my school goals - writing, writing, and writing!

I've been working on my website. Take a look and tell me what you think. I really am looking for critique, so be honest with me:

One of my latest photos for my 365 Day Photo Challenge

The first dandelion of the year. It may be a weed, but it is yellow and flowering and a promise of Spring. I'll take it however I get it!


Anonymous said...

Yup, I think that's called getting lemonade when life hands you a lemon. Good idea.
It's sort of like I've decided to do with telemarketers. I used to just hang up on them. Now, if it's an actual person and not just a recording, I graciously listen to their whole pitch, then I ask them if the can access from their computer. Most times they can. I then tell them to do a search for Janet Elaine Smith and all of my books pop up. I ask them what type of books they like to read, then direct them to those that fit that range. I've actually sold quite a few books that way. I almost feel cheated if I go too long with no sales calls. Now, politicians, that's a different matter! LOL
Janet Elaine Smith, multi-genre author

The Journey said...

Did you see Readers Digest this month? It had writing your life story in 150 words- they printed quite a few and were really good. That would be good for your home school. Linda from Indiana