Thursday, September 29, 2011

Housework and Fun Should Not Be in the Same Headline

I'm an Internet junkie. This has led me to be an email junkie - see, I have to sign up for stuff while I'm out there searching around. That means I am on a lot of lists and one such list is called Squidoo of the Day. A Squidoo is kind of like a blog but kind of like a website but kind of....actually, it never really took off and I have no idea why I'm still on the list. But I am and I read the headline every day and then delete. Until today. One caught my attention: Housework: How to Make It Fast and Keep It Fun.

Make it fast. I understand that completely. My kids understand it even better than I do! It is amazing that around here the speed of chores is actually faster than the speed of light. But then comes the "Keep it fun."

My problem here is simple - when did housework become fun? I can't keep it fun unless it was already fun. And to my knowledge, it is not fun. It is boring. Tedious. Dirty. Smelly (Think the bathroom floor after boys/men). I hate it. So, I figure I must be doing something wrong. Thus, I ran to the squidoo of the day to see what I had been missing all these years.

1. Use a timer. Hmmmm... that makes things fun? Having some idiotic timer tic toccing in the background, letting your know it is going to go off before you've had the chance to finish? Plus, around my house, timers are set for bad things - you know, set the timer for 15 minutes and don't come out of your room until it buzzes. This is not working for me. On to number 2.

2. Listen to music. Ok, lady. I do this. I put on something I can bebop around the house. I dance and I swirl. And I still hate cleaning.

I desperately look for tip 3. Guess what? No more tips. Nope. Seems that I didn't have it all wrong this whole time. It appears that our squidooer is just easily amused!

Now I'm off to tick tock around the clock!

I looked for a picture of someone in my home doing housework - 22 years of kids and no photos. I think this should tell me something!

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