Thursday, November 10, 2011

You've Got to Be Kidding Me

I think this a lot. What? Really? Are you kidding? No!

I'm not sure if those around me are truly crazy or if I am just seeing things incorrectly. However, with so many people making me say "really???", perhaps it is me.

I had a friend blog this week about an arts and craft that I simply will not get into. Suffice it to say that I said, "REALLY????" Whatever you are thinking, multiply it by 10. It was that bad. (You've got to know, don't you? Check it out: )

So, I'm thinking that I've had my "really" experience for the week, but not so. I just saw an advertisement for an Obama Chia Pet. Really? That is just so wrong on so many levels. Whether you admire him or wish he were out of office, do you think it is respectful to grow grass on his head? It just seems so....wrong! On a rock, yes. On a cat or a dog, ok. On the President of the United States? Come on, folks, what were you thinking? I just can't see anyone growing grass on Queen Elizabeth's head or Nicolas Sarkozy (French President) or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (though I might get one of these since growing grass on a dictator's head might be humorous).

It all just makes me realize that I don't want to be famous enough to have a Chia Pet named after me!

In other news:

Kimberly is giving blood for the first time today. I love how dedicated she is to helping others.

Rebekah has started rehearsals for A Christmas Carol at Temple Theatre in Sanford. I can't wait to see the show.

I am slowly but surely learning Oh Come All Ye Faithful. For those of you that are piano players, I am at the end of Level 1. This song is definitely towards the end of Level 2. I can only practice it for about 10 minutes before my brain scrambles. I know, not so hard to do. You all are so funny and clever!


Unknown said...

I wouldn't grow grass on Obama's head. I would, however, grow weeds. Maybe I'd plant some thistles so that if a good idea comes his way (such as don't run again), it would stick around. Let's face it, weeds grow great on rocks.

CBrownfield said...

But, the President of the United States is supposed to be a respected office to aspire to. OK, so I'm an idealist. Still, we need to respect the office, even if respect for the person in that office is difficult to achieve. I didn't vote for Obama, but when he got in I sure prayed a lot that he would do well for the nation...It might be better for me to stop right there.