Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Matthew Got His Mission Call!!!!!!!!!!!

Matthew is going to Frankfurt, Germany!!! He came over on Friday with his unopened letter. He acted all nonchalant and then let us know he had the letter. He called his dad on the phone and opened it up. The screaming when he read where he was going was quite loud to say the least. I didn't expect what happened next. I sobbed and sobbed! It was the good kind though. It was the realization that 19 years of love and sweat and worry and teaching had all culminated to this moment. It was incredible. He leaves for the MTC on Dec 17 and should be leaving for Frankfurt Germany on Feb 10 or 11!


The Ziegler Family said...

Congratulations! How exciting...Germany. He can go say "hi" to the Russell's while he is over there. It is days like this that make being a parent worth all the sleepless nights.

Unknown said...

Germany. I am so excited for the whole family.

Leah said...

Congrats to Matt! We live in the Munich mission but Frankfurt is only a few hours away. I'm sure he will love it here, we do!