Monday, December 01, 2008

Christmas Is On the Way!

Every year, the kids create a count-down calendar from last year's Christmas cards. Each picture represents something we are going to do that day. Bake cookies. Cut out snowflakes. String Popcorn. You get the picture. So, today that calendar was created. AND we also went to the Doby's Tree Farm in Vass to tag a tree. Their selection wasn't too big this year because of the drought 2 summers ago, so we wanted to be sure we got the "perfect" tree. The weather was perfect - perfectly cold!!! Keith used the window shopping method to view lots of the trees! Of course, to give him credit, he is catching a cold AND forgot his coat. I swear it dropped 10 degrees between the time we left the house and got to the farm 15 minutes away!

1 comment:

Leah said...

What a pretty tree. It puts our dinky german one to shame. Ours looks more like the Charlie Brown variety, unfortunately it's the only option.