Saturday, January 05, 2008

As Christmas Winds Down

The paper and bows are all off the packages. The gifts are in the hands of their new owners. The Christmas dinner has been eaten. Christmas is winding down. Shortly, the decorations of the holiday will be taken down and stored for next Christmas. And all will be as it was way back in November.

Yet, we don't need everything about Christmas to be put away in a box and stored until next year. Think about the times we wished a cashier a Merry Christmas with a big smile. That feeling of love can be saved. Let's wish them, and all others we meet, a great day with a smile from January through next Christmas.

Think about the acts of service given during Christmas this year. Perhaps gifts were given to someone in need, or cookies and carols were offered, or food was given to a food drive, or any number of things. Service to others is something that can always be offered. Let's look for acts of service and kindness throughout the year.

Think about the number of times we remembered our Savior, Jesus Christ, this month. Every time we said "Christmas" we brought up His name. We talked of His birth. We pondered on that wonderous night. We celebrated the coming of our Lord. Our thoughts should always include Jesus Christ, not just in December. Let's keep Him in our thoughts every single day.

Yes, Christmas tinsel and glitz may be headed out the door as the new year is ushered in. But I, for one, will work on ushering in the meaning of Christmas all year long.

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