Monday, December 26, 2005

Christmas Day Was Wonderful

Christmas Day was truly wonderful. We opened gifts and then went to church. The choir did such a great job and it was so spiritual. The kids were all so happy to have others open the gifts they had gotten for each other. Katherine made all her aunts and uncles and grandparents a CD of photos of the kids during this past year. The others made ornaments for the same group - Kimberly an angel, Matthew a beaded snowflake, and Rebekah an icicle. Then they made gifts for one another. Katherine made Matthew a dry erase note board with dolphins on it, made Kimberly a bracelet with the colors for the Young Women's values, and made Rebekah some beautiful hair bows. Rebekah made Katherine a puzzle book from puzzles she found on the web, made Kimberly a pillow, and made Matthew some slipper socks. Kimberly made Katherine some paper dolls that stay on with magnets, made Rebekah 2 CDs of country music, and made Matthew a sack to keep his lunch in for school. Matthew bought each of the girls a calendar - horses for Kimmie, lighthouses for Rebekah, and baby animals for Katherine. They also found photos of Keith's older children and put together a nice collage. They gave me some new village houses. I was so thrilled!! In fact, the doing for one another far surpassed the gifts from Santa or from the parents. It is wonderful to see the way they have learned about giving. We are very blessed. I pray that your Christmas was as meaningful.

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