Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Keith Is Cyperpet Sitting

Kim has brought I-Cybie to our house so for at least a little while we have a "pet." Quite a high techy one, too. Keith has "voice" trained him and dubed him "Bart." Bart responds to verbal, remote control, and hand-clap commands, performs a variety of tricks, and even seeks out his recharger when his battery is low. We now have a video of Bart warming up. With sensors to detect petting and scolding, he develops a personality. If Bart doesn't make a good house guest, we will know who to blame.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi folks:
What a wonderful site. It makes me homesick for NC. It appears that things are going well. Congrulations to Matthew and the girls. These accomplishments are only signs of greater things in their lives. Please know of my love and keep pressing forward.
Lynn Bagley